/*! copy parameters of source object into self
@param proto
source object
public function copy($proto){
$this->filters =$proto->get_filters();
$this->sort_by =$proto->get_sort_by();
$this->count =$proto->get_count();
$this->start =$proto->get_start();
$this->source =$proto->get_source();
$this->fieldset =$proto->get_fieldset();
$this->relation =$proto->get_relation();
$this->user = $proto->user;
$this->version = $proto->version;
$this->action_mode = $proto->action_mode;
/*! convert self to string ( for logs )
self as plain string,
public function __toString(){
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($this->filters); $i++)
$str.=$this->filters[$i]["name"]." ".$this->filters[$i]["operation"]." ".$this->filters[$i]["value"].";";
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($this->sort_by); $i++)
return $str;
public function set_action_mode($action_mode) {
$this->action_mode = $action_mode;
return $this;
public function get_action_mode() {
return $this->action_mode;
/*! returns set of filtering rules
set of filtering rules
public function get_filters(){
return $this->filters;
public function &get_filters_ref(){
return $this->filters;
public function set_filters($data){
public function get_order(){
return $this->order;
public function set_order($order){
$this->order = $order;
public function get_user(){
return $this->user;
public function set_user($user){
$this->user = $user;
public function get_version(){
return $this->version;
public function set_version($version){
$this->version = $version;
/*! returns list of used fields
list of used fields
public function get_fieldset(){
return $this->fieldset;
/*! returns name of source table
name of source table
public function get_source(){
return $this->source;
/*! returns set of sorting rules
set of sorting rules
public function get_sort_by(){
return $this->sort_by;
public function &get_sort_by_ref(){
return $this->sort_by;
public function set_sort_by($data){
/*! returns start index
start index
public function get_start(){
return $this->start;
/*! returns count of requested records
count of requested records
public function get_count(){
return $this->count;
/*! returns name of relation id
relation id name
public function get_relation(){
return $this->relation;
/*! sets sorting rule
@param field
name of column
@param order
direction of sorting
public function set_sort($field,$order=false){
if (!$field && !$order)
if ($order===false)
$this->sort_by[] = $field;
else {
$this->sort_by[]=array("name"=>$field,"direction" => $order);
/*! sets filtering rule
@param field
name of column
@param value
value for filtering
@param operation
operation for filtering, optional , LIKE by default
public function set_filter($field,$value=false,$operation=false){
if ($value === false)
/*! sets list of used fields
@param value
list of used fields
public function set_fieldset($value){
/*! sets name of source table
@param value
name of source table
public function set_source($value){
if (is_string($value))
$value = trim($value);
$this->source = $value;
/*! sets data limits
@param start
start index
@param count
requested count of data
public function set_limit($start,$count){
/*! sets name of relation id
@param value
name of relation id field
public function set_relation($value){
/*! parse incoming sql, to fill other properties
@param sql
incoming sql string
public function parse_sql($sql, $as_is = false){
if ($as_is){
$this->fieldset = $sql;
$sql= preg_replace("/[ \n\t]+limit[\n\t ,0-9]*$/i","",$sql);
$data = preg_split("/[ \n\t]+\\_from\\_/i",$sql,2);
if (count($data)!=2)
$data = preg_split("/[ \n\t]+from/i",$sql,2);
$this->fieldset = preg_replace("/^[\s]*select/i","",$data[0],1);
//Ignore next type of calls
//direct call to stored procedure without FROM
if ((count($data) == 1) ||
//UNION select
preg_match("#[ \n\r\t]union[ \n\t\r]#i", $sql)){
$this->fieldset = $sql;
$table_data = preg_split("/[ \n\t]+where/i",$data[1],2);
if sql code contains group_by we will place all sql query in the FROM
it will not allow to use any filtering against the query
still it is better than just generate incorrect sql commands for any group by query
if (sizeof($table_data)>1 && !preg_match("#.*group by.*#i",$table_data[1])){ //where construction exists
$where_data = preg_split("/[ \n\t]+order[ ]+by/i",$table_data[1],2);
if (sizeof($where_data)==1) return; //end of line detected
} else {
$table_data = preg_split("/[ \n\t]+order[ ]+by/i",$data[1],2);
if (sizeof($table_data)==1) return; //end of line detected
if (trim($data)){ //order by construction exists
$s_data = preg_split("/\\,/",trim($data));
for ($i=0; $i < count($s_data); $i++) {
$data=preg_split("/[ ]+/",trim($s_data[$i]),2);
if (sizeof($data)>1)
/*! manager of data configuration
class DataConfig{
public $id;////!< name of ID field
public $relation_id;//!< name or relation ID field
public $text;//!< array of text fields
public $data;//!< array of all known fields , fields which exists only in this collection will not be included in dataprocessor's operations
/*! converts self to the string, for logging purposes
public function __toString(){
$str.="Relation ID:{$this->relation_id['db_name']}({$this->relation_id['name']})\n";
for ($i=0; $itext); $i++)
for ($i=0; $idata); $i++)
return $str;
/*! removes un-used fields from configuration
@param name
name of field , which need to be preserved
public function minimize($name){
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($this->text); $i++){
if ($this->text[$i]["db_name"]==$name || $this->text[$i]["name"]==$name){
throw new Exception("Incorrect dataset minimization, master field not found.");
public function limit_fields($data){
if (isset($this->full_field_list))
$this->full_field_list = $this->text;
$this->text = array();
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($this->full_field_list); $i++) {
if (array_key_exists($this->full_field_list[$i]["name"],$data))
$this->text[] = $this->full_field_list[$i];
public function restore_fields(){
if (isset($this->full_field_list))
$this->text = $this->full_field_list;
/*! initialize inner state by parsing configuration parameters
@param id
name of id field
@param fields
name of data field(s)
@param extra
name of extra field(s)
@param relation
name of relation field
public function init($id,$fields,$extra,$relation){
$this->id = $this->parse($id,false);
$this->text = $this->parse($fields,true);
$this->data = array_merge($this->text,$this->parse($extra,true));
$this->relation_id = $this->parse($relation,false);
/*! parse configuration string
@param key
key string from configuration
@param mode
multi names flag
parsed field name object
private function parse($key,$mode){
if ($mode){
if (!$key) return array();
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($key); $i++)
return $key;
$data=array("db_name"=>trim($key[0]), "name"=>trim($key[0]));
if (sizeof($key)>1)
return $data;
/*! constructor
init public collectons
@param proto
DataConfig object used as prototype for new one, optional
public function __construct($proto=false){
if ($proto!==false)
else {
$this->id=array("name"=>"dhx_auto_id", "db_name"=>"dhx_auto_id");
$this->relation_id=array("name"=>"", "db_name"=>"");
/*! copy properties from source object
@param proto
source object
public function copy($proto){
$this->id = $proto->id;
$this->relation_id = $proto->relation_id;
$this->text = $proto->text;
$this->data = $proto->data;
/*! returns list of data fields (db_names)
list of data fields ( ready to be used in SQL query )
public function db_names_list($db){
if ($this->id["db_name"])
if ($this->relation_id["db_name"])
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($this->data); $i++){
if ($this->data[$i]["db_name"]!=$this->data[$i]["name"])
$out[]=$db->escape_name($this->data[$i]["db_name"])." as ".$this->data[$i]["name"];
return $out;
/*! add field to dataset config ($text collection)
added field will be used in all auto-generated queries
@param name
name of field
@param aliase
aliase of field, optional
public function add_field($name,$aliase=false){
if ($aliase===false) $aliase=$name;
//adding to list of data-active fields
if ($this->id["db_name"]==$name || $this->relation_id["db_name"] == $name){
LogMaster::log("Field name already used as ID, be sure that it is really necessary.");
if ($this->is_field($name,$this->text)!=-1)
throw new Exception('Data field already registered: '.$name);
//adding to list of all fields as well
if ($this->is_field($name,$this->data)==-1)
/*! remove field from dataset config ($text collection)
removed field will be excluded from all auto-generated queries
@param name
name of field, or aliase of field
public function remove_field($name){
$ind = $this->is_field($name);
if ($ind==-1) throw new Exception('There was no such data field registered as: '.$name);
//we not deleting field from $data collection, so it will not be included in data operation, but its data still available
/*! remove field from dataset config ($text and $data collections)
removed field will be excluded from all auto-generated queries
@param name
name of field, or aliase of field
public function remove_field_full($name){
$ind = $this->is_field($name);
if ($ind==-1) throw new Exception('There was no such data field registered as: '.$name);
$ind = $this->is_field($name, $this->data);
if ($ind==-1) throw new Exception('There was no such data field registered as: '.$name);
/*! check if field is a part of dataset
@param name
name of field
@param collection
collection, against which check will be done, $text collection by default
returns true if field already a part of dataset, otherwise returns true
public function is_field($name,$collection = false){
if (!$collection)
for ($i=0; $iconfig=$config;
/*! insert record in storage
@param data
DataAction object
@param source
DataRequestConfig object
abstract function insert($data,$source);
/*! delete record from storage
@param data
DataAction object
@param source
DataRequestConfig object
abstract function delete($data,$source);
/*! update record in storage
@param data
DataAction object
@param source
DataRequestConfig object
abstract function update($data,$source);
/*! select record from storage
@param source
DataRequestConfig object
abstract function select($source);
/*! get size of storage
@param source
DataRequestConfig object
abstract function get_size($source);
/*! get all variations of field in storage
@param name
name of field
@param source
DataRequestConfig object
abstract function get_variants($name,$source);
/*! checks if there is a custom sql string for specified db operation
@param name
name of DB operation
@param data
hash of data
sql string
public function get_sql($name,$data){
return ""; //custom sql not supported by default
/*! begins DB transaction
public function begin_transaction(){
throw new Exception("Data wrapper not supports transactions.");
/*! commits DB transaction
public function commit_transaction(){
throw new Exception("Data wrapper not supports transactions.");
/*! rollbacks DB transaction
public function rollback_transaction(){
throw new Exception("Data wrapper not supports transactions.");
/*! Common database abstraction class
Class provides base set of methods to access and change data in DB, class used as a base for DB-specific wrappers
abstract class DBDataWrapper extends DataWrapper{
private $transaction = false; //!< type of transaction
private $sequence=false;//!< sequence name
private $sqls = array();//!< predefined sql actions
/*! assign named sql query
@param name
name of sql query
@param data
sql query text
public function attach($name,$data){
/*! replace vars in sql string with actual values
@param matches
array of field name matches
value for the var name
public function get_sql_callback($matches){
return $this->escape($this->temp->get_value($matches[1]));
public function get_sql($name,$data){
if (!array_key_exists($name,$this->sqls)) return "";
$str = $this->sqls[$name];
$this->temp = $data; //dirty
$str = preg_replace_callback('|\{([^}]+)\}|',array($this,"get_sql_callback"),$str);
unset ($this->temp); //dirty
return $str;
public function new_record_order($action, $source){
$order = $source->get_order();
if ($order){
$table = $source->get_source();
$id = $this->config->id["db_name"];
$idvalue = $action->get_new_id();
$max = $this->queryOne("SELECT MAX($order) as dhx_maxvalue FROM $table");
$dhx_maxvalue = $max["dhx_maxvalue"] + 1;
$this->query("UPDATE $table SET $order = $dhx_maxvalue WHERE $id = $idvalue");
public function order($data, $source){
//id of moved item
$id1 = $this->escape($data->get_value("id"));
//id of target item
$target = $data->get_value("target");
if (strpos($target, "next:") !== false){
$dropnext = true;
$id2 = str_replace("next:", "", $target);
} else {
$id2 = $target;
$id2 = $this->escape($id2);
//for tree like components we need to limit out queries to the affected branch only
$relation_select = $relation_update = $relation_sql_out = $relation_sql = "";
if ($this->config->relation_id["name"]){
$relation = $data->get_value($this->config->relation_id["name"]);
if ($relation !== false && $relation !== ""){
$relation_sql = " ".$this->config->relation_id["db_name"]." = '".$this->escape($relation)."' AND ";
$relation_select = $this->config->relation_id["db_name"]." as dhx_parent, ";
$relation_update = " ".$this->config->relation_id["db_name"]." = '".$this->escape($relation)."', ";
$name = $source->get_order();
$table = $source->get_source();
$idkey = $this->config->id["db_name"];
$source = $this->queryOne("select $relation_select $name as dhx_index from $table where $idkey = '$id1'");
$source_index = $source["dhx_index"] ? $source["dhx_index"] : 0;
if ($relation_sql)
$relation_sql_out = " ".$this->config->relation_id["db_name"]." = '".$this->escape($source["dhx_parent"])."' AND ";
$this->query("update $table set $name = $name - 1 where $relation_sql_out $name >= $source_index");
if ($id2 !== ""){
$target = $this->queryOne("select $name as dhx_index from $table where $idkey = '$id2'");
$target_index = $target["dhx_index"];
if (!$target_index)
$target_index = 0;
if ($dropnext)
$target_index += 1;
$this->query("update $table set $name = $name + 1 where $relation_sql $name >= $target_index");
} else {
$target = $this->queryOne("select max($name) as dhx_index from $table");
$target_index = ($target["dhx_index"] ? $target["dhx_index"] : 0)+1;
$this->query("update $table set $relation_update $name = $target_index where $idkey = '$id1'");
public function insert($data,$source){
public function delete($data,$source){
public function update($data,$source){
public function select($source){
if (!$select){
$select = implode(",",$select);
return $this->query($this->select_query($select,$source->get_source(),$where,$sort,$source->get_start(),$source->get_count()));
public function queryOne($sql){
$res = $this->query($sql);
if ($res)
return $this->get_next($res);
return false;
public function get_size($source){
$count = new DataRequestConfig($source);
$count->set_fieldset("COUNT(*) as DHX_COUNT ");
if (array_key_exists("DHX_COUNT",$data)) return $data["DHX_COUNT"];
else return $data["dhx_count"]; //postgresql
public function get_variants($name,$source){
$count = new DataRequestConfig($source);
$count->set_fieldset("DISTINCT ".$this->escape_name($name)." as value");
$sort = new SortInterface($source);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($sort->rules); $i++) {
if ($sort->rules[$i]['name'] == $name)
$count->set_sort($sort->rules[$i]['name'], $sort->rules[$i]['direction']);
return $this->select($count);
public function sequence($sec){
/*! create an sql string for filtering rules
@param rules
set of filtering rules
@param relation
name of relation id field
sql string with filtering rules
protected function build_where($rules,$relation=false){
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($rules); $i++)
if (is_string($rules[$i]))
else {
$filtervalue = $rules[$i]["value"];
$filteroperation = $rules[$i]["operation"];
if ($filtervalue!=""){
if (!$filteroperation)
array_push($sql,$this->escape_name($rules[$i]["name"])." LIKE '%".$this->escape($filtervalue)."%'");
else {
if ($filteroperation != "IN")
$filtervalue = "'".$this->escape($filtervalue)."'";
array_push($sql,$this->escape_name($rules[$i]["name"])." ".$filteroperation." ".$filtervalue);
if ($relation !== false && $relation !== ""){
$relsql = $this->escape_name($this->config->relation_id["db_name"])." = '".$this->escape($relation)."'";
if ($relation == "0")
$relsql = "( ".$relsql." OR ".$this->escape_name($this->config->relation_id["db_name"])." IS NULL )";
return implode(" AND ",$sql);
/*! convert sorting rules to sql string
@param by
set of sorting rules
sql string for set of sorting rules
protected function build_order($by){
if (!sizeof($by)) return "";
$out = array();
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($by); $i++)
if (is_string($by[$i]))
$out[] = $by[$i];
else if ($by[$i]["name"])
$out[]=$this->escape_name($by[$i]["name"])." ".$by[$i]["direction"];
return implode(",",$out);
/*! generates sql code for select operation
@param select
list of fields in select
@param from
table name
@param where
list of filtering rules
@param sort
list of sorting rules
@param start
start index of fetching
@param count
count of records to fetch
sql string for select operation
protected function select_query($select,$from,$where,$sort,$start,$count){
if (!$from)
return $select;
$sql="SELECT ".$select." FROM ".$from;
if ($where) $sql.=" WHERE ".$where;
if ($sort) $sql.=" ORDER BY ".$sort;
if ($start || $count) $sql.=" LIMIT ".$start.",".$count;
return $sql;
/*! generates update sql
@param data
DataAction object
@param request
DataRequestConfig object
sql string, which updates record with provided data
protected function update_query($data,$request){
$sql="UPDATE ".$request->get_source()." SET ";
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($this->config->text); $i++) {
if ($data->get_value($step["name"])===Null)
$step_value ="Null";
$step_value = "'".$this->escape($data->get_value($step["name"]))."'";
$temp[$i]= $this->escape_name($step["db_name"])."=". $step_value;
if ($relation = $this->config->relation_id["db_name"]){
$temp[]= $this->escape_name($relation)."='".$this->escape($data->get_value($relation))."'";
$sql.=implode(",",$temp)." WHERE ".$this->escape_name($this->config->id["db_name"])."='".$this->escape($data->get_id())."'";
//if we have limited set - set constraints
if ($where) $sql.=" AND (".$where.")";
return $sql;
/*! generates delete sql
@param data
DataAction object
@param request
DataRequestConfig object
sql string, which delete record
protected function delete_query($data,$request){
$sql="DELETE FROM ".$request->get_source();
$sql.=" WHERE ".$this->escape_name($this->config->id["db_name"])."='".$this->escape($data->get_id())."'";
//if we have limited set - set constraints
if ($where) $sql.=" AND (".$where.")";
return $sql;
/*! generates insert sql
@param data
DataAction object
@param request
DataRequestConfig object
sql string, which inserts new record with provided data
protected function insert_query($data,$request){
foreach($this->config->text as $k => $v){
if ($data->get_value($v["name"])===Null)
if ($relation = $this->config->relation_id["db_name"]){
if ($this->sequence){
$sql="INSERT INTO ".$request->get_source()."(".implode(",",$temp_n).") VALUES (".implode(",",$temp_v).")";
return $sql;
/*! sets the transaction mode, used by dataprocessor
@param mode
mode name
public function set_transaction_mode($mode){
if ($mode!="none" && $mode!="global" && $mode!="record")
throw new Exception("Unknown transaction mode");
/*! returns true if global transaction mode was specified
true if global transaction mode was specified
public function is_global_transaction(){
return $this->transaction == "global";
/*! returns true if record transaction mode was specified
true if record transaction mode was specified
public function is_record_transaction(){
return $this->transaction == "record";
public function begin_transaction(){
public function commit_transaction(){
public function rollback_transaction(){
/*! exec sql string
@param sql
sql string
sql result set
abstract public function query($sql);
/*! returns next record from result set
@param res
sql result set
hash of data
abstract public function get_next($res);
/*! returns new id value, for newly inserted row
new id value, for newly inserted row
abstract public function get_new_id();
/*! escape data to prevent sql injections
@param data
unescaped data
escaped data
abstract public function escape($data);
/*! escape field name to prevent sql reserved words conflict
@param data
unescaped data
escaped data
public function escape_name($data){
return $data;
/*! get list of tables in the database
array of table names
public function tables_list() {
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
/*! returns list of fields for the table in question
@param table
name of table in question
array of field names
public function fields_list($table) {
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
class ArrayDBDataWrapper extends DBDataWrapper{
public function get_next($res){
if ($res->index < sizeof($res->data))
return $res->data[$res->index++];
public function select($sql){
if ($this->config->relation_id["db_name"] == "") {
if ($sql->get_relation() == "0" || $sql->get_relation() == "") {
return new ArrayQueryWrapper($this->connection);
} else {
return new ArrayQueryWrapper(array());
$relation_id = $this->config->relation_id["db_name"];
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->connection); $i++) {
$item = $this->connection[$i];
if (!isset($item[$relation_id])) continue;
if ($item[$relation_id] == $sql->get_relation())
$result[] = $item;
return new ArrayQueryWrapper($result);
public function query($sql){
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
public function escape($value){
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
public function get_new_id(){
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
class ArrayQueryWrapper{
public function __construct($data){
$this->data = $data;
$this->index = 0;