events=array(); $this->master = false; } /*! Method check if event with such name already exists. @param name name of event, case non-sensitive @return true if event with such name registered, false otherwise */ public function exist($name){ $name=strtolower($name); return (isset($this->events[$name]) && sizeof($this->events[$name])); } /*! Attach custom code to event. Only on event handler can be attached in the same time. If new event handler attached - old will be detached. @param name name of event, case non-sensitive @param method function which will be attached. You can use array(class, method) if you want to attach the method of the class. */ public function attach($name,$method=false){ //use class for event handling if ($method === false){ $this->master = $name; return; } //use separate functions $name=strtolower($name); if (!array_key_exists($name,$this->events)) $this->events[$name]=array(); $this->events[$name][]=$method; } public static function attach_static($name, $method){ $name=strtolower($name); if (!array_key_exists($name,EventMaster::$eventsStatic)) EventMaster::$eventsStatic[$name]=array(); EventMaster::$eventsStatic[$name][]=$method; } public static function trigger_static($name, $method){ $arg_list = func_get_args(); $name=strtolower(array_shift($arg_list)); if (isset(EventMaster::$eventsStatic[$name])) foreach(EventMaster::$eventsStatic[$name] as $method){ if (is_array($method) && !method_exists($method[0],$method[1])) throw new Exception("Incorrect method assigned to event: ".$method[0].":".$method[1]); if (!is_array($method) && !function_exists($method)) throw new Exception("Incorrect function assigned to event: ".$method); call_user_func_array($method, $arg_list); } return true; } /*! Detach code from event @param name name of event, case non-sensitive */ public function detach($name){ $name=strtolower($name); unset($this->events[$name]); } /*! Trigger event. @param name name of event, case non-sensitive @param data value which will be provided as argument for event function, you can provide multiple data arguments, method accepts variable number of parameters @return true if event handler was not assigned , result of event hangler otherwise */ public function trigger($name,$data){ $arg_list = func_get_args(); $name=strtolower(array_shift($arg_list)); if (isset($this->events[$name])) foreach($this->events[$name] as $method){ if (is_array($method) && !method_exists($method[0],$method[1])) throw new Exception("Incorrect method assigned to event: ".$method[0].":".$method[1]); if (!is_array($method) && !function_exists($method)) throw new Exception("Incorrect function assigned to event: ".$method); call_user_func_array($method, $arg_list); } if ($this->master !== false) if (method_exists($this->master, $name)) call_user_func_array(array($this->master, $name), $arg_list); return true; } } /*! Class which handles access rules. **/ class AccessMaster{ private $rules,$local; /*! constructor Set next access right to "allowed" by default : read, insert, update, delete Basically - all common data operations allowed by default */ function __construct(){ $this->rules=array("read" => true, "insert" => true, "update" => true, "delete" => true); $this->local=true; } /*! change access rule to "allow" @param name name of access right */ public function allow($name){ $this->rules[$name]=true; } /*! change access rule to "deny" @param name name of access right */ public function deny($name){ $this->rules[$name]=false; } /*! change all access rules to "deny" */ public function deny_all(){ $this->rules=array(); } /*! check access rule @param name name of access right @return true if access rule allowed, false otherwise */ public function check($name){ if ($this->local){ /*! todo add referrer check, to prevent access from remote points */ } if (!isset($this->rules[$name]) || !$this->rules[$name]){ return false; } return true; } } /*! Controls error and debug logging. Class designed to be used as static object. **/ class LogMaster{ private static $_log=false;//!< logging mode flag private static $_output=false;//!< output error infor to client flag private static $session="";//!< all messages generated for current request /*! convert array to string representation ( it is a bit more readable than var_dump ) @param data data object @param pref prefix string, used for formating, optional @return string with array description */ private static function log_details($data,$pref=""){ if (is_array($data)){ $str=array(""); foreach($data as $k=>$v) array_push($str,$pref.$k." => ".LogMaster::log_details($v,$pref."\t")); return implode("\n",$str); } return $data; } /*! put record in log @param str string with log info, optional @param data data object, which will be added to log, optional */ public static function log($str="",$data=""){ if (LogMaster::$_log){ $message = $str.LogMaster::log_details($data)."\n\n"; LogMaster::$session.=$message; error_log($message,3,LogMaster::$_log); } } /*! get logs for current request @return string, which contains all log messages generated for current request */ public static function get_session_log(){ return LogMaster::$session; } /*! error handler, put normal php errors in log file @param errn error number @param errstr error description @param file error file @param line error line @param context error cntext */ public static function error_log($errn,$errstr,$file,$line,$context){ LogMaster::log($errstr." at ".$file." line ".$line); } /*! exception handler, used as default reaction on any error - show execution log and stop processing @param exception instance of Exception */ public static function exception_log($exception){ LogMaster::log("!!!Uncaught Exception\nCode: " . $exception->getCode() . "\nMessage: " . $exception->getMessage()); if (LogMaster::$_output){ echo "
"; } die(); } /*! enable logging @param name path to the log file, if boolean false provided as value - logging will be disabled @param output flag of client side output, if enabled - session log will be sent to client side in case of an error. */ public static function enable_log($name,$output=false){ LogMaster::$_log=$name; LogMaster::$_output=$output; if ($name){ set_error_handler(array("LogMaster","error_log"),E_ALL); set_exception_handler(array("LogMaster","exception_log")); LogMaster::log("\n\n====================================\nLog started, ".date("d/m/Y h:i:s")."\n===================================="); } } } ?>\n"; echo LogMaster::get_session_log(); echo "\n