connection,$sql); if ($stm===false) throw new Exception("Oracle - sql parsing failed\n".oci_error($this->connection)); $out = array(0=>null); if($this->insert_operation){ oci_bind_by_name($stm,":outID",$out[0],999); $this->insert_operation=false; } $mode = ($this->is_record_transaction() || $this->is_global_transaction())?OCI_DEFAULT:OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS; $res = @oci_execute($stm,$mode); if ($res===false) throw new Exception(oci_error($this->connection)); $this->last_id=$out[0]; return $stm; } public function get_next($res){ $data = oci_fetch_assoc($res); if ($data){ foreach ($data as $k => $v) $data[strtolower($k)] = $v; } return $data; } public function get_new_id(){ /* Oracle doesn't support identity or auto-increment fields Insert SQL returns new ID value, which stored in last_id field */ return $this->last_id; } protected function insert_query($data,$request){ $sql = parent::insert_query($data,$request); $this->insert_operation=true; return $sql." returning ".$this->config->id["db_name"]." into :outID"; } protected function select_query($select,$from,$where,$sort,$start,$count){ if (!$from) return $select; $sql="SELECT ".$select." FROM ".$from; if ($where) $sql.=" WHERE ".$where; if ($sort) $sql.=" ORDER BY ".$sort; if ($start || $count) $sql="SELECT * FROM ( select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(".$count.")*/dhx_table.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (".$sql.") dhx_table where ROWNUM <= ".($count+$start)." ) where rnum >".$start; return $sql; } public function escape($data){ /* as far as I can see the only way to escape data is by using oci_bind_by_name while it is neat solution in common case, it conflicts with existing SQL building logic fallback to simple escaping */ return str_replace("'","''",$data); } public function begin_transaction(){ //auto-start of transaction } public function commit_transaction(){ oci_commit($this->connection); } public function rollback_transaction(){ oci_rollback($this->connection); } } ?>