skip) return "";
for ($i=3; $iconfig->text); $i++){
$extra = $this->config->text[$i]["name"];
if ($this->userdata !== false)
foreach ($this->userdata as $key => $value)
return $str."";
class GanttLinkDataItem extends DataItem {
public function to_xml_start(){
$str="- config->data); $i++){
$str.=" ".$name."='".$this->xmlentities($this->data[$name])."'";
//output custom data
if ($this->userdata !== false)
foreach ($this->userdata as $key => $value){
$str.=" ".$key."='".$this->xmlentities($value)."'";
return $str.">";
/*! Connector class for dhtmlxGantt
class GanttConnector extends Connector{
private $action_mode = "";
public $links_table = "";
protected $live_update_data_type = "GanttDataUpdate";
protected $extra_output="";//!< extra info which need to be sent to client side
protected $options=array();//!< hash of OptionsConnector
/*! assign options collection to the column
@param name
name of the column
@param options
array or connector object
public function set_options($name,$options){
if (is_array($options)){
foreach($options as $k => $v)
/*! constructor
Here initilization of all Masters occurs, execution timer initialized
@param res
db connection resource
@param type
string , which hold type of database ( MySQL or Postgre ), optional, instead of short DB name, full name of DataWrapper-based class can be provided
@param item_type
name of class, which will be used for item rendering, optional, DataItem will be used by default
@param data_type
name of class which will be used for dataprocessor calls handling, optional, DataProcessor class will be used by default.
* @param render_type
name of class which will be used for rendering.
public function __construct($res,$type=false,$item_type=false,$data_type=false,$render_type=false){
if (!$item_type) $item_type="GanttDataItem";
if (!$data_type) $data_type="GanttDataProcessor";
if (!$render_type) $render_type="RenderStrategy";
$this->event->attach("afterDelete", array($this, "delete_related_links"));
$this->event->attach("afterOrder", array($this, "order_set_parent"));
//parse GET scoope, all operations with incoming request must be done here
function parse_request(){
$action_links = "links";
if(isset($_GET["gantt_mode"]) && $_GET["gantt_mode"] == $action_links) {
$this->action_mode = $action_links;
if (count($this->config->text)){
if (isset($_GET["to"]))
if (isset($_GET["from"]))
function order_set_parent($action){
$value = $action->get_id();
$parent = $action->get_value("parent");
$table = $this->request->get_source();
$id = $this->config->id["db_name"];
$this->sql->query("UPDATE $table SET parent = $parent WHERE $id = $value");
function delete_related_links($action){
if (isset($this->options["links"])){
$links = $this->options["links"];
$value = $this->sql->escape($action->get_new_id());
$table = $links->get_request()->get_source();
$this->sql->query("DELETE FROM $table WHERE source = '$value'");
$this->sql->query("DELETE FROM $table WHERE target = '$value'");
public function render_links($table,$id="",$fields=false,$extra=false) {
$links = new GanttLinksConnector($this->get_connection(),$this->names["db_class"]);
$this->set_options("links", $links);
$this->links_table = $table;
/*! render self
process commands, output requested data as XML
public function render(){
$this->event->trigger("onInit", $this);
if (!$this->as_string)
if ($this->live_update !== false && $this->updating!==false) {
} else {
if ($this->editing){
if (($this->action_mode == "links") && isset($this->options["links"])) {
} else {
$dp = new $this->names["data_class"]($this,$this->config,$this->request);
} else {
if (!$this->access->check("read")){
LogMaster::log("Access control: read operation blocked");
echo "Access denied";
$wrap = new SortInterface($this->request);
$wrap = new FilterInterface($this->request);
if ($this->model && method_exists($this->model, "get")){
$this->sql = new ArrayDBDataWrapper();
$result = new ArrayQueryWrapper(call_user_func(array($this->model, "get"), $this->request));
$out = $this->output_as_xml($result);
} else {
$out = $this->output_as_xml($this->get_resource());
if ($out !== null) return $out;
/*! DataProcessor class for Gantt component
class GanttDataProcessor extends DataProcessor{
function name_data($data){
if ($data=="start_date")
return $this->config->text[0]["name"];
if ($data=="id")
return $this->config->id["name"];
if ($data=="duration" && $this->config->text[1]["name"] == "duration")
return $this->config->text[1]["name"];
if ($data=="end_date" && $this->config->text[1]["name"] == "end_date")
return $this->config->text[1]["name"];
if ($data=="text")
return $this->config->text[2]["name"];
return $data;
class JSONGanttDataItem extends GanttDataItem{
/*! return self as XML string
function to_xml(){
if ($this->skip) return "";
$obj = array();
$obj['id'] = $this->get_id();
$obj['start_date'] = $this->data[$this->config->text[0]["name"]];
$obj[$this->config->text[1]["name"]] = $this->data[$this->config->text[1]["name"]];
$obj['text'] = $this->data[$this->config->text[2]["name"]];
for ($i=3; $iconfig->text); $i++){
$extra = $this->config->text[$i]["name"];
if ($this->userdata !== false)
foreach ($this->userdata as $key => $value)
return $obj;
class JSONGanttConnector extends GanttConnector {
protected $data_separator = ",";
protected $live_update_data_type = "JSONGanttDataUpdate";
/*! constructor
Here initilization of all Masters occurs, execution timer initialized
@param res
db connection resource
@param type
string , which hold type of database ( MySQL or Postgre ), optional, instead of short DB name, full name of DataWrapper-based class can be provided
@param item_type
name of class, which will be used for item rendering, optional, DataItem will be used by default
@param data_type
name of class which will be used for dataprocessor calls handling, optional, DataProcessor class will be used by default.
public function __construct($res,$type=false,$item_type=false,$data_type=false,$render_type=false){
if (!$item_type) $item_type="JSONGanttDataItem";
if (!$data_type) $data_type="GanttDataProcessor";
if (!$render_type) $render_type="JSONRenderStrategy";
protected function xml_start() {
return '{ "data":';
protected function xml_end() {
$end = (!empty($this->extra_output)) ? ', "collections": {'.$this->extra_output.'}' : '';
foreach ($this->attributes as $k => $v)
$end.=", \"".$k."\":\"".$v."\"";
$end .= '}';
return $end;
/*! assign options collection to the column
@param name
name of the column
@param options
array or connector object
public function set_options($name,$options){
if (is_array($options)){
foreach($options as $k => $v)
$str[]='{"id":"'.$this->xmlentities($k).'", "value":"'.$this->xmlentities($v).'"}';
/*! generates xml description for options collections
@param list
comma separated list of column names, for which options need to be generated
protected function fill_collections($list=""){
$options = array();
foreach ($this->options as $k=>$v) {
$name = $k;
if (!is_string($this->options[$name])){
$data = json_encode($this->options[$name]->render());
} else
$options[] = $option;
$this->extra_output .= implode($this->data_separator, $options);
/*! output fetched data as XML
@param res
DB resultset
protected function output_as_xml($res){
$result = $this->render_set($res);
if ($this->simple) return $result;
if ($this->as_string) return $data;
$out = new OutputWriter($data, "");
$this->event->trigger("beforeOutput", $this, $out);
$out->output("", true, $this->encoding);
public function render_links($table,$id="",$fields=false,$extra=false,$relation_id=false) {
$links = new JSONGanttLinksConnector($this->get_connection(),$this->names["db_class"]);
$this->set_options("links", $links);
class GanttLinksConnector extends OptionsConnector {
protected $live_update_data_type = "GanttDataUpdate";
public function __construct($res,$type=false,$item_type=false,$data_type=false,$render_type=false){
if (!$item_type) $item_type="GanttLinkDataItem";
public function render(){
if (!$this->init_flag){
return "";
$res = $this->sql->select($this->request);
return $this->render_set($res);
public function save() {
$dp = new $this->names["data_class"]($this,$this->config,$this->request);
class JSONGanttLinksConnector extends JSONOptionsConnector {
protected $live_update_data_type = "JSONGanttDataUpdate";
public function render(){
if (!$this->init_flag){
return "";
$res = $this->sql->select($this->request);
return $this->render_set($res);
public function save() {
$dp = new $this->names["data_class"]($this,$this->config,$this->request);
class JSONGanttDataUpdate extends JSONDataUpdate {
public function get_updates() {
$updates = $this->get_data_updates();
//ToDo: Add rendering for data.
private function get_data_updates() {
$actions_table = $this->table;
$version = $this->request->get_version();
$user = $this->request->get_user();
$select_actions = "SELECT DATAID, TYPE, USER FROM {$actions_table}";
$select_actions .= " WHERE {$actions_table}.ID > '{$version}' AND {$actions_table}.USER <> '{$user}'";
$output = array();
$index = 0;
$actions_query = $this->sql->query($select_actions);
$action_type = $action_data["TYPE"];
$type_parts = explode("#", $action_type);
$action_mode = $type_parts[1];
if($action_mode == "links") {
$data = $this->select_links_for_action($action_data["DATAID"]);
$data = new DataItemUpdate($data, $this->config, $index, $this->item_class);
else {
$data = $this->select_task_for_action($action_data["DATAID"]);
$data = new DataItemUpdate($data, $this->config, $index, $this->item_class);
array_push($output, $data);
return $output;
protected function select_task_for_action($taskId) {
$tasks_table = $this->request->get_source();
$field_task_id = $this->config->id['db_name'];
$select_actions_tasks = "SELECT * FROM {$tasks_table} WHERE {$taskId} = {$tasks_table}.{$field_task_id}";
return $this->sql->get_next($this->sql->query($select_actions_tasks));
protected function select_links_for_action($taskId) {
$links_connector_options = $this->options["connector"]->get_options();
$links_table = $links_connector_options["links"]->get_request()->get_source();
$field_task_id = $this->config->id['db_name'];
$select_actions_tasks = "SELECT * FROM {$links_table} WHERE {$taskId} = {$links_table}.{$field_task_id}";
return $this->sql->get_next($this->sql->query($select_actions_tasks));