skip) return ""; $str =""; $str .= "xmlentities($this->data[$this->config->data[0]['db_name']])."\" label=\"".$this->xmlentities($this->data[$this->config->data[1]['db_name']])."\" />"; return $str; } } /*! Connector class for dhtmlxForm:options **/ class SelectOptionsConnector extends Connector{ /*! constructor Here initilization of all Masters occurs, execution timer initialized @param res db connection resource @param type string , which hold type of database ( MySQL or Postgre ), optional, instead of short DB name, full name of DataWrapper-based class can be provided @param item_type name of class, which will be used for item rendering, optional, DataItem will be used by default @param data_type name of class which will be used for dataprocessor calls handling, optional, DataProcessor class will be used by default. */ public function __construct($res,$type=false,$item_type=false,$data_type=false){ if (!$item_type) $item_type="OptionsDataItem"; parent::__construct($res,$type,$item_type,$data_type); } } ?>