$this->child = new $type($data, $config, $index);
/*! returns parent_id (for Tree and TreeGrid components)
public function get_parent_id(){
if (method_exists($this->child, 'get_parent_id')) {
return $this->child->get_parent_id();
} else {
return '';
/*! generate XML on the data hash base
public function to_xml(){
$str= "data['action_table_type'].'" ';
$str .= 'id="'.$this->data['dataId'].'" ';
$str .= 'parent="'.$this->get_parent_id().'"';
$str .= '>';
$str .= $this->child->to_xml();
$str .= '';
return $str;
/*! return starting tag for XML string
public function to_xml_start(){
$str="data['action_table_type'].'" ';
$str .= 'id="'.$this->data['dataId'].'" ';
$str .= 'parent="'.$this->get_parent_id().'"';
$str .= '>';
$str .= $this->child->to_xml_start();
return $str;
/*! return ending tag for XML string
public function to_xml_end(){
$str = $this->child->to_xml_end();
$str .= '';
return $str;
/*! returns false for outputing only current item without child items
public function has_kids(){
return false;
/*! sets count of child items
@param value
count of child items
public function set_kids($value){
if (method_exists($this->child, 'set_kids')) {
/*! sets attribute for item
public function set_attribute($name, $value){
if (method_exists($this->child, 'set_attribute')) {
LogMaster::log("setting attribute: \nname = {$name}\nvalue = {$value}");
$this->child->set_attribute($name, $value);
} else {
LogMaster::log("set_attribute method doesn't exists");
class DataUpdate{
protected $table; //!< table , where actions are stored
protected $url; //!< url for notification service, optional
protected $sql; //!< DB wrapper object
protected $config; //!< DBConfig object
protected $request; //!< DBRequestConfig object
protected $encoding="utf-8";
protected $event;
protected $item_class;
protected $demu;
//protected $config;//!< DataConfig instance
//protected $request;//!< DataRequestConfig instance
/*! constructor
@param connector
Connector object
@param config
DataConfig object
@param request
DataRequestConfig object
function __construct($sql, $config, $request, $table, $url, $options){
$this->config= $config;
$this->request= $request;
$this->sql = $sql;
$this->demu = false;
$this->options = $options;
public function set_demultiplexor($path){
$this->demu = $path;
public function set_event($master, $name){
$this->event = $master;
$this->item_class = $name;
public function set_encoding($encoding){
$this->encoding = $encoding;
protected function select_update($actions_table, $join_table, $id_field_name, $version, $user) {
if ($this->options["table"] !== false)
$join_table = $this->options["table"];
$sql = "SELECT $join_table.*, {$actions_table}.id, {$actions_table}.dataId, {$actions_table}.type as action_table_type, {$actions_table}.user FROM {$actions_table}";
$sql .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$join_table} ON ";
$sql .= "{$actions_table}.DATAID = {$join_table}.{$id_field_name} ";
$sql .= "WHERE {$actions_table}.ID > '{$version}' AND {$actions_table}.USER <> '{$user}'";
return $sql;
protected function get_update_max_version() {
$sql = "SELECT MAX(id) as VERSION FROM {$this->table}";
$res = $this->sql->query($sql);
$data = $this->sql->get_next($res);
if ($data == false || $data['VERSION'] == false)
return 1;
return $data['VERSION'];
private function log_update_action($actions_table, $dataId, $status, $user) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$actions_table} (DATAID, TYPE, USER) VALUES ('{$dataId}', '{$status}', '{$user}')";
if ($this->demu)
public function get_table() {
return $this->table;
/*! records operations in actions_table
@param action
DataAction object
public function log_operations($action) {
$type = $this->sql->escape($action->get_status());
$dataId = $this->sql->escape($action->get_new_id());
$user = $this->sql->escape($this->request->get_user());
if ($type!="error" && $type!="invalid" && $type !="collision") {
$action_mode = $this->request->get_action_mode();
$type .= "#".$action_mode;
$this->log_update_action($this->table, $dataId, $type, $user);
/*! return action version in XMl format
public function get_version() {
$version = $this->get_update_max_version();
return "".$version."";
/*! adds action version in output XML as userdata
public function version_output($conn, $out) {
/*! create update actions in XML-format and sends it to output
public function get_updates() {
$sub_request = new DataRequestConfig($this->request);
$version = $this->request->get_version();
$user = $this->request->get_user();
$sub_request->parse_sql($this->select_update($this->table, $this->request->get_source(), $this->config->id['db_name'], $version, $user));
$output = $this->render_set($this->sql->select($sub_request), $this->item_class);
header("Content-type:text/xml; charset=".$this->encoding);
echo $this->updates_start();
echo $this->get_version();
echo $output;
echo $this->updates_end();
protected function render_set($res, $name){
while ($data=$this->sql->get_next($res)){
$data = new DataItemUpdate($data,$this->config,$index, $name);
return $output;
/*! returns update start string
protected function updates_start() {
$start = '';
return $start;
/*! returns update end string
protected function updates_end() {
$start = '';
return $start;
/*! checks if action version given by client is deprecated
@param action
DataAction object
public function check_collision($action) {
$version = $this->sql->escape($this->request->get_version());
//$user = $this->sql->escape($this->request->get_user());
$last_version = $this->get_update_max_version();
if (($last_version > $version)&&($action->get_status() == 'update')) {
class JSONDataItemUpdate extends DataItemUpdate {
public function to_xml() {
return array(
"status" => $this->data["action_table_type"],
"id" => $this->data["dataId"],
"parent" => $this->get_parent_id(),
"data" => $this->child->to_xml()
class JSONDataUpdate extends DataUpdate {
/*! adds action version in output XML as userdata
public function version_output($conn, $out) {
$outJson = json_decode($out->__toString(), true);
$outJson["userdata"] = array();
$outJson["userdata"] = array_merge($outJson["userdata"], $this->get_version());
/*! return action version in XMl format
public function get_version() {
$version = array("version" => $this->get_update_max_version());
return $version;
public function get_updates() {
$sub_request = new DataRequestConfig($this->request);
$version = $this->request->get_version();
$user = $this->request->get_user();
$sub_request->parse_sql($this->select_update($this->table, $this->request->get_source(), $this->config->id['db_name'], $version, $user));
$output = $this->render_set($this->sql->select($sub_request), $this->item_class);
$output["userdata"] = array();
$output["userdata"] = array_merge($output["userdata"], $this->get_version());
protected function render_set($res, $name){
$output = array();
$index = 0;
while($data = $this->sql->get_next($res)) {
$data = new JSONDataItemUpdate($data, $this->config, $index, $name);
$this->event->trigger("beforeRender", $data);
array_push($output, $data->to_xml());
return array("updates" => $output);
protected function output($res){
$out = new OutputWriter($res, "");
$this->event->trigger("beforeOutput", $this, $out);
$out->output("", true, $this->encoding);